1. Boa
She was bigger even though she tried lots of diets, including one eating seaweed in gochujang. But shefinally lost white and presented new image by doing ballet.
2. Ahyoomi's, Shin Hyun Jun's, Lee Soo Young's unique diets
Ahyoomi tried lots of "one-food" diets and rumor that she even tried 강냉이 (popcorns) diet but failed. But with 반신욕 (half bath) diet she changed so much you cannot recognize her.
Shin Hyun Jun's coffee diet was not drinking coffee but using coffee 관장 (enema).
Lee Soo Young, who people have said got prettier, says she succeeded through prayer.

3. Ok Joo Hyun and Ryeo Won's yoga
"Ok Instructor" went from size 77 to size 44 with yoga. Ryeo Won got her skinny waist and long skinny legs. Ok Ju Hyun also ate chickens breast, rice with beans and spring water every day. She also said to brush teeth a lot. (???)
4. Missing

5. Jang Dong Gun, Lee Jung Jea, Lee Jun Ki
Jang Dong Gun surprise everyone with suddenly slimmer at award show. He lost weight by mainly eating tofu and vegetable. Lee Jung Jea ate 삼계탕 (chicken with ginseng in soup) 3 times day for 4 months to get a good body. Lee Jun Ki lost 7kg by working out to try look like Jang Dong Gun. After people said he look like "Japanese 칼잡이 (butcher)" he gained 3 kg back.
6. Yoon Eun Hye's, Choi Hwa Jung's, Hwang Bo's "Expensive Diet"
They went to body slimming center for help to lose weight. Since it is about $2000, not everyone can do. Perfect example is the popular "Eun Chan" (Coffee Prince) Yoon Eun Hye decided to lose weight because clothes did not fit, and lost 7kg. She said part of diet is eat alot in morning and avoid spicy and salty foods. She also said when you are hungry, if you turn on the channel and say "아 맛있다~ 아 배부르다~ (tastes good~ I'm so full)", your apetite will disappear.
7. Kil Gun, Go Eun A, Yang Pa, Song Hye Gyo
Don't eat under any conditions. These stars still diet while hungry. If you do anything wrong, you will still get skinny.
8. Kim Ah Joong's, Oh Yoon A's, Cho Han Sun's "cheap diet" and Choi Ji Woo
These stars jump rope about 3,000 times EVERY DAY. Choi Ji Woo hula hoop for 40 minutes a day. You can do this diet perfectly with $2
9. Hyori and Jun Ji Hyun's Mountain cimbing
Hyori doesn't like to work out but she likes to mountain climb. Her nickname is even "flying squirrel". They said that mountain climbing partner Jun Ji Hyun beat "flying squirrel" Hyori in climbing to top of mountain.
10. Suh In-Young, Han Ye Seul, Dana
These stars diet just by dancing. Since Han Ye Seul raised in America, she can dance well to any music you turn on. Dana lost a lot of her chubby weight because of dancing with Cheon Sang Ji Hi.
11. Big eye Kim Min Jung
Whenever she is hungry, she eat watermelon. This can only be done in summer though.
12. "황금신부" star Lee Young A and Shin Ji
She lost 31kg from her 75kg. She drinks 4 bottles of 1.5L green tea every day. She avoid eating between meals and never eat instant food like ramen.
Shin Ji's secret is mix ginseng and 율금(type of vegetable i dink) into soy milk and drank. She also quit drinking alcohol to lose weight.
13. Eugene, Lee Dong Geon, and Kim Hee Sun who are very bad with diets
Eugene has said "I can eat everything well" before.
Lee Dong Geon has "worried that I might lose weight".
Kim Hee Sun who is getting married in October said "I can't exercise because I'm lazy"
have said sleeping a lot is their diet.
14. "Greasy diet" followers Chae Yeon and Nam Gyu Ri
Chae Yeon stays skinny by eating meat wrapped in lettuce. Nam Gyu Ri from SeeYa has said that her diet is 삼겹살 (bacon) and chicken. She also said your sing better if you eat a lot of chicken.
15. Bi and Bae Yong Jun eat chicken breast
Bi says he eats chicken breast and jump ropes 2,000 times in morning and night. Korean wave star Bae Yong Jun makes 탕수육 with chicken breast but replaces fruit with vegetables in it and drinks 8L water a day. He said if you follow for 2 months, you can lose 8kg.
16. Suhl Kyung Ku's gaining weight for movies. (Old actor)
17. Hyun Young
Even though she lied about her age, she didn't about her body. She does "rabbit finger" finger exercise with dumbell weights.
18. Hwang Sin Hye
Even though she is 44 years old, she works out a LOT.
19. Han Eun Jung
Her secret is she eats three meals during day and doesn't eat at night. She does yoga, pilates, and her "core" workout.
That's all. Assalamu alayk. Thanks for readin'
inspired by : HAHAHA
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